Giving up sugar has many benefits. While it may seem painful in some regards, knowing and understanding how you are improving yourself, will give you some internal leverage.
Here are 10 things you can print out and put on your fridge for motivation.
When you really think about it, giving up sugar and saving your life, should be your number one motivation factor.
- If your dentist owns a really nice car, it is probably due to all those cavities they get to fill. Giving up sugar will really help cut down on the destruction it causes to your teeth, while making your dentist cry.
- Your sleep will improve and it will be much easier to drift off. Having stabilized blood sugar levels means you won’t have that crazed energy that comes from eating a candy bar or large bag of chips and a pop for an evening snack.
- Many people will see a major improvement in their facial skin. There will be less pimples and acne, as these skin eruptions can be triggered by sugar.
- We all want to be healthy and at our proper weight. Eliminating sugar from the diet, is going to greatly improve your overall weight loss goals and help to keep you from immediately regaining those unwanted pounds.
- Everything you can do to reduce the risks of heart disease, should be explored. You will be happy to know that eliminating sugar will keep your insulin levels properly regulated. This means your heart will beat at its proper rhythm and your blood pressure will stay in the right range. Speaking of the heart, give up those salad dressing that are laden with sugar and switch to pure virgin olive oil on your salads.
- You hear about “brain fog,” more frequently these days, as people who have fibromyalgia suffer from it. However, brain fog can also be caused by over indulging in sugar. Sugar is extremely toxic and can cause damage to the brain cells. This makes it harder for them to communicate with each other. Messages from cell to cell don’t get delivered properly and results in brain fog or memory loss.
- If you want to be happy and not getting into arguments on a frequent basis, then give up sugar. People who eliminate sugar from their diets, report that the mood swings they suffered from, disappeared and they had better relationships. Sugar causes agitation, anxiety and depression, amongst other issues.
- Do you know anyone with diabetes? If you do, then you are probably aware of their need to inject insulin or take a large number of pills per day, if they have type 2 diabetes. By going sugar free, you can significantly lower your chances of developing diabetes, which in turn causes many issues in the body. Diabetes can affect the heart and cause kidney damage for example. This knowledge, should convince to you to give up sugar permanently.
- Depression is an ugly thing. It can cause more mental issues and a number of physical ones as well. Overcoming your dependency on sugar, will lower or eliminate bouts of depression. Your body should never become dependent on something that is destructive to it.
- If aging is something that concerns you, then getting off the sugar is a step in the right direction. While sugar contributes to pimples and acne, it also harms your overall skin. Sugar can cause wrinkles and many skin blemishes that people attribute to normal aging. The truth is, your skin can stay more youthful looking, if you eliminate sugar and increase your water intake.
With these 10 scientifically proven facts, you now have some overwhelming reasons to detox from sugar.