Whether you are already carb cycling or are considering trying it, it's a great way to improve your overall health and lose weight.
The flexibility of carb cycling allows you to create an individual plan that suits your workout or high-activity days to boost energy and promote fat-burning.
There are several versions of the carb cycling plan but the basic premise is the same: high carb days are alternated with low carb days to put the cycle in motion and keep it going.
Whatever plan you are using or are considering. the following tips will help your body cycle carbs more efficiently, boost your energy levels and decrease feelings of deprivation and hunger.
Tip #1: Eat loads of leafy greens on low carb days
Low carb days may leave you feeling a little puckish and deprived, especially if you love eating carbs. You can easily remedy this by heaping your plate with leafy green vegetables.
Leafy greens contain almost no calories, so you can really eat as much as you want of them. It's a scientific fact that we eat with our brain and eyes before we eat with our mouths. A plate heaped with these vegetables will satisfy you even before you start eating!
Spinach, arugula, collard greens, all types of lettuce, cabbage, Swiss chard and turnip greens are some examples,
Tip#2: Don't skip meals
Consistent mealtimes are an important factor in maintaining the carb cycling process. Give priority to your mealtimes and schedule into your day.
If you're not hungry, have a snack. This is second best to skip the meal altogether
Tip #3: Cheat day isn't really a cheat day.
One of the great things about carb cycling is that you get to have a “cheat day once a week where you eat your favorite treat. However, unless you really crave a specific food, you can waive the cheat day altogether or have it on alternate weeks.
In addition, try to stay within your specified calorie limit on cheat days and do not go above it too dramatically,
Tip#4: Choose whole foods as your source of fat.
Although your fat intake is relatively small on both high and low carb days, try to stick to healthy fats from whole foods.
Some sources of whole-food fats include extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocado, fish and grass-fed butter.
Tip#4: Stick to your specified carb amount
There is a simple formula to help you calculate how much carbs you should eat per day. It should be 1- 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight on high carb days and 0.50 grams on low carb days.
Tip#5: Synchronize Exercise with high carb days
Regular exercise is important but you should synchronize your exercise days with high carb days when you have more energy. This will also optimize the formation of lean muscle mass.
Following these 5 simple tips will give you the added benefit of:
- Maintain high energy levels
- preventing extreme hunger or fatigue
- Keeps the hormone system balanced and prevents mood swings
- Promotes lean muscle mass.
Best of all, following these basic rules will not prevent you from preparing and enjoying your favorite foods every single day.