Making use of Adaptogenic Herbs for Natural Healing
If you are interested in natural and holistic remedies for things like chronic pain, soreness, and your immune system, then adaptogenic herbs might be perfect for you.
Some experts call adaptogens “herbal medicine” due to the high amount of healing benefits they encompass.
Adaptogens counteract a lot of the stress in your body, which in turn can lead to many issues with your physical and mental health, including neurological systems, your endocrine system, and immune system
Keep reading to learn more about these types of herbs and how they can help you.
How Exactly Do Adaptogens Work?
Adaptogens work by helping to balance the adrenal, pituitary, and hypothalamic glands. These glands work in your body's stress responses. When you go through stress, your body goes through three steps:
Step 1: The alarm phase
Step 2: The resistance phase
Step 3: The exhaustion phaseAs your body deals with stressors such as strenuous exercise, it expels hormones that increase the performance of your muscles and lets you concentrate on the task at hand.
You actually resist the stressor. As a result, you actually feel more energy due to the boost that your body gets. This helps you fight the stressor.
When you get tired, you start to go into the exhaustion phase. At step two, the resistance phase, it gets stretched out a bit more.
This powerful part allows you to stay in this helpful stage a bit longer.
Adaptogens have some of the following effects on your body:
Antidepressive effects
Antifatigue effects
Central nervous system stimulant
Neuroprotective effects