What is Holy Basil good for?
Holy basil was originally only found in India, but today it can be found in West Africa, Australia, and in some countries in the Middle East. The Hindus consider holy basil to be a sacred plant. The Hindus gave it the name Tulsi, which translates to “the incomparable one.”
Health Benefits of Holy Basil
The seeds, stems, and leaves of the plant are used to make medicines. These medications provide a wealth of health benefits including:
Fever Reducer
Although a fever is not an illness in itself but rather a symptom, holy basil contains phytonutrients and essential oils that can fend off viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. When these ailments invade the body, holy basil helps to fight them off and keep fevers at bay
Protects Against Lung Disorders
Holy basil contains within its essential oils compounds like eugenol, vitamin C, cineole, and camphene, which are all extremely effective at fighting off lung infections and clearing away congestion in the lungs. These compounds are also highly effective at fighting lung infections and clearing away congestion in the lungs. These compounds are also highly effective in healing lungs that have been damaged by smoking.
Prevents Heart Disease
The vitamin C, eugenol, and other antioxidants found in holy basil are well-known for protecting the heart against damage from harmful free radicals. They are also effective in reducing cholesterol levels, which is also very beneficial to the heart.
May Prevent Certain Cancers
There is evidence to indicate that holy basil may retard the growth of certain forms of cancer, such as oral cancer. The phytochemicals and the apoptotic properties of the ursolic acid contained in the herb work to effectively battle the disease.
Reduces Kidney Stone Development
Since holy basil is a mild diuretic and detoxifier it is effective in reducing the level of uric acid in the body. This acid is the main component in the formation of kidney stones. The acetic acid along with other compounds found in the herb work to help dissolve kidney stones. Holy basil has a mild painkilling effect that also helps relieve the pain and discomfort of kidney stones.
Headache Relief
Holy basil contains carvacrol, camphene, methyl-chavicol, cineol, and eugenol, which all have strong anti-congestive, analgesic, disinfectant, and sedative properties which are helpful in alleviating headaches caused by sinus pressure, cough and cold, migraine, and high blood pressure.
Holy Basil how to use
The recommended dosage of holy basil leaf extract is as follows:
1,100 – 2,200mg for persons 150 lbs.
1,500 – 2,900mg for persons 200 lbs.
1,800 – 3,600mg for persons 250+ lbs.