Getting pregnant during the perimenopause
Nowadays, both single women and women with partners tend to postpone the time of their first child compared to mothers from a few decades ago. Many of them try to conceive completed 40 for various personal reasons. However, as the age of women increases, conception becomes more difficult. From the age of 40 you go to the perimenopause, the phase leading to the menopause and therefore at the end of the fertile age of a woman. Getting pregnant during this period can be more difficult.
Why having a child during the perimenopause?
Raising a child requires money and time. Women who want to become pregnant during the perimenopause (which is most likely to be found in quarantine) can do so because they did not have time to have a child when they were younger, for example because the increase in their professional career kept them occupied. Another possible explanation is that they expected to be in a better economic position to guarantee the well-being of their child. Having a baby in its forties has its advantages. For example, women of that age often feel more confident and their economic situation may be more stable.
Can perimenopause women get pregnant?
Every woman is born with a limited number of eggs. As they get older, their ovarian reserve decreases. And the remaining ova are outdated, which increases the chances of chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, the fertility of a woman decreases with age and the same can be said about the chance of becoming pregnant. This is particularly the case when the symptoms of perimenopause become manifest.
Compared to 30-year-old women whose chances of becoming pregnant are 20% in a given month, the odds of pregnancy at age 50 with a baby decreasing considerably as a result of the reduction in the number of eggs in the ovaries during perimenopause Hot flashes and the absence of menstruation may persist for several months and then reappear because the ovaries and cycle return more or less normally.
That is why there’s certain perimenopause pregnancy chances for woman become pregnant until the moment when her ovulation stops. However, factors such as hormonal fluctuations that cause irregularities in periods can complicate conception.
How to get pregnant during perimenopause?
A great way to improve your chances of getting pregnant is to calculate the time when ovulation will take place. Women’s periods can be more sporadic during the perimenopause. That is why the estimation of the moment of the cycle in which ovulation occurs – when it is more fertile – is easily complicated. Another problem is that the likelihood of conception is reduced with aging ovules.
A woman who wants to have a baby must not only study her menstrual cycle to determine the time of her greatest fertility, but must also look for signs of ovulation such as white vaginal discharge or sensitive breasts.
It is recommended that future mothers who go through perimenopause consult their doctor in advance to help them become pregnant. This is also essential to ensure your good health during pregnancy, as well as that of your future baby. Attention to your lifestyle, for example by maintaining a varied and balanced diet and staying fit with the help of exercises, is also important.
The Signs of Perimenopause
Menopause is the stage of life that a woman goes through after she has completed her childbearing years. Once you get to menopause, you no longer need birth control as your menstrual cycle changes and you can’t get pregnant any longer. However, there is a short period before this occurs called perimenopause, where it gives you warning signs that menopause is fast approaching. Here are some signs that you are going through perimenopause.
Physical Signs
The majority of signs of perimenopause are going to be physical, so this is a great place to start. You will notice that the signs of perimenopause vary between typical PMS and menstrual cycle signs to those commonly associated with menopause. It makes sense since this is the transitional period to menopause. Some physical signs to be aware of include having hot flashes, breast tenderness, urine leakage, urinary urgency, and discomfort during sex. You might also have vaginal dryness and a lower sex drive. Irregular periods are also common with perimenopause.
Mental and Behavioral Signs
There are also a few mental and behavioral changes that are common signs of perimenopause. To start with, you may feel fatigued, but not always in a physical sense. It is simply an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, often linked to high amounts of stress or anxiety during this time. You may notice that you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, that you tend to get more mood swings, and your irritability around the time you would have PMS is much worse.
Risk Factors for Early Perimenopause
Perimenopause and menopause are not unusual, and something you should expect to experience as a woman in your 40s, 50s, or possibly even your 60s. This will occur before your periods are gone for good. Typically, perimenopause occurs for about a year before actual menopause starts. While this usually occurs with middle-aged women, it is possible that you have perimenopause symptoms at an earlier age. Women who go through this often have a genetic link, where other women in their family tree also had early menopause. You may also get early perimenopause if you have had a hysterectomy or you have gone through cancer treatments.
While perimenopause is a normal occurrence, there can be complications if you have severe pain or heavy bleeding with clots. Talk to your doctor if these or other worrisome things are occurring and you believe it is related to your gynecological health.
The perimenopause is an important phase to prepare a health plan based on:
Healthy and balanced diet, rich in calcium and low in cholesterol
Practice daily physical activity appropriate to individual needs
Take the sun 20 minutes a day (without a protective cream) to get enough vitamin D.
Avoid toxic habits: tobacco, drugs and alcohol intake
Periodic blood pressure, cholesterol, glycemic checks
Is there a perimenopause pregnancy risk medical increase?
As women get older, the medical risks increase during pregnancy. For example, pregnant women over 35 are two to three times more likely to develop gestational diabetes than younger women. There is also a greater risk that it is affected by pathologies such as hypertension or placental problems (such as placenta previa).
perimenopause pregnancy
Because the uterus may not work as well as a younger woman when it comes to giving birth, a pregnant woman over 40 years of age will probably have to deliver a Caesarean section, although Natural birth remains an option for many women. Older women also run a greater risk of ectopic pregnancy, a complication where the embryo is implanted outside the womb. Although spontaneous abortion is fairly common at any age, the probability is greater. The risk is 33 percent in the age range between 40 and 44 and at 45 one in two pregnancies is spoiled.