Before going through the yoga poses we need to understand the term thyroid, its causes, disorders and its effect on our body.
Thyroid is an endocrine gland located in your neck. The gland produces, secrets the thyroid hormone in the bloodstream that helps to maintain our metabolic system, regulates various body functions like heartbeat, breathing, cholesterol, body temperature, menstrual cycle, etc.
Disorder Of Thyroid
Thyroid secrets a hormone thyroxine for the proper functioning of the body organs. It should be secreted in the optimum amount for proper functioning. Its reduced or low secretion can lead to the problem of hypothyroidism and excess secretion can lead to the problem of hyperthyroidism.
Indications Of Hypothyroidism
Symptoms of hypothyroidism include skin dryness, fatigue, constipation, temperature sensitivity, the problem in sleeping, heavy flow of periods, etc.
Indications Of Hyperthyroidism
Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include anxiety, sweating, hands shaking, weight loss, less flow of periods, fatigue, etc.
What To Do If You Are Doubtful Of A Thyroid Condition?
You should consult your doctor to get your thyroid hormone levels checked if you are suffering from the above symptoms. Especially women who are undergoing through the phase of menopause should get their thyroid hormone level evaluated, if you experience any of the symptoms. With medication, it is possible to control this disease.
Can Thyroid Be Healed Through Yoga?
Yoga cannot cure thyroid but helps to maintain and regulate thyroid hormone. Yoga can be a complementary therapy as it is practiced more in alternative medicine these days. Hence, You should not replace it with your medications. You need to have an experienced yoga instructor.
Yoga is a stressbuster and maintains the balance between mind and body. It refreshes your soul. Vishuddhi chakra is associated with the thyroid gland.
Yoga poses stimulate the thyroid glands and helps to increase circulation and flow of energy which detoxifies the negative energy and fills it with lifeforce energy. It is important to have a yoga guide who can guide you with the asanas associated with thyroid if you are doing it for the first time.