Erotic Literature, Erotic Stories, especially free erotic stories and Erotic Audio Stories for Women, entertain our spirits and allow us to revel in erotic fantasies; they fine tune our libidos and help us experience imagined hedonistic debauchery that harms no one while enhancing our experience of life, libertine happiness, and the pursuit of sexual gratification.
Our souls require this escape, even if it is merely cognitive, since our culture shackles and constricts our spirits at every step with preconceived, time-honored condemnation of all things sexually arousing. According to our puritanical beliefs, we should limit sexual freedom, discourage sexual pleasure outside of marriage, and confine even sexual pleasure within marriage to the act of attempted reproduction.
The Catholic Church and its offshoots were so adamant in their interpretations of God's purpose for the public that even its best-intentioned adherents were unable to maintain the mask, the ostensibly good path. Countless members of the various faiths fell victim to hypocrisy and, at times, despair.
Marriages were broken up because partners couldn't agree on the level of subservience to which they had to submit. Occasional sensual stories, frequently veiled, provided brief respites from the tyranny of the day-to-day curriculum. However, the tyranny endured for a long time.
While some enlightenment has crept into many of our daily lives over time, our puritanical tendencies have become so ingrained in our psyches that even the most freedom loving and enlightened among us must consciously reaffirm our belief in sexual freedom in an endless series of hesitations and reaffirmations that can even be misinterpreted in the bedroom despite our continued attempts at full execution of our free will.
So offer us unrestricted free access to an infinite number of free sexy stories. Stimulate our libidos with the ecstatic, gratifying overabundance of sexual freedom depicted in erotic stories both within and outside of marriage.
Let those of us who are capable of writing sexual literature do so, and in doing so, let our hesitancies subside and our spirits soar.
Let us also embrace and implement scientific findings into our daily life. Let us take a stand against religious teaching that contradicts scientific evidence. Allows all of us, at least in our fantasies, to enjoy a purely erotic story and relax with our partner, enjoying one another's sexual fulfillment while looking into one another's eyes or reciting our favorite passages from some of the erotic stories or poems that helped us free ourselves, while doing our best to reenact the excitement found within them.
Let us love unrestrainedly and joyfully until it entirely liberates us and feels so lovely that we never want it to end. Amen.