Who does not like to eat good food? But with eating good, we should not misguide ourselves to eat all the junk that these restaurants and big chains like Mc Donald’s, Burger King, Pizza Hut and many others serve us. How can we forget Subway in this category which offers us Calorie rich food in the name of healthy food?
Removing fast food from your diet will be the first stepping stone towards a healthy and fit body. Question yourself – Why you need to eat fast food? And work upon the answer to change this lifestyle of yours. I know why most of us opt for fast food. The reason is what the name suggests ‘fast’ which is because of the convenience and affordability of this food. But let me remind you, the less price you pay for the fast food, later you have to pay more of your health.
There are other factors to avoid junk food; I have to sum up some below.
- Addiction
Fast food contains so much salt, sugar and fat. Due to the high content of these three substances, it makes us crave for more. These cravings will make us consume more of this food, further making us addictive. So stop yourself from indulging into those French fries which will only lead to addiction and no good to you.
- Weight gain
Fast food is high in sodium, calories, sugar and fat. It may taste delicious to you but indulging in this unhealthy food will only lead to health issues like weight gain. Also for the sake of your health do not opt for the food offered by some chains which are advertised as a healthy option but actually they are not. For instance,- Subway menu offers us food which is categorized into healthy food options but open your eyes wide and look into the nutritional value of the items they are selling. You will get to know the actual scenario of how many calories and sugar I present in the bread they serve. And how can we forget the salads they serve. No doubt salads are healthy, but what about the fatty dressings on them with cheese. This makes it totally unhealthy and will only increase your waist. So do not get blinded by the cover, just look inside the cover and be wise.
- No nutrition
Eating fast food will definitely make you feel good but will make you unhealthy inside. It contains no nutrition, just fats, calories, salt and sugar. Every fast food lacks vitamins, minerals and fibre, which are necessary for the body to get energy and be active. If you are enjoying every bite of the junk food, then take a pause and think what good this food is offering and make a wise choice.
- Depression
It is also rich in carbohydrates and consuming carbohydrates in large quantity will decline the consumption of other essential nutrients. The slice of pizza we enjoy is full of carbohydrates. You can satiate your taste buds with a fresh pan pizza from Pizza Hut, but the contents from which it is made of will do no good to your body. This will affect the functioning of the brain and lead to depression.
- Hard to digest
The excess amount of fat and oil in fast food will make it difficult to digest. This will imbalance the functioning of our stomach and can generate problems of bowel movement, heartburn, acid reflux and all stomach related diseases. Regular consumption of such food will give birth to all those issues in your body that you may have never ever experienced.
- Cardiac problems
The high salt content in fast food will increase blood pressure. Saturated fats will lead to cholesterol. With high cholesterol, one is at a big risk of heart-related diseases. A healthy heart will make you less prone to cardiac problems. To keep your heart healthy, improve your diet and make exercise a part of your routine.
>You may not find these issues life-threatening until you experience them. But believe me, the problems I have discussed with you all today are a matter of concern if you really want to be healthy inside out. In order to be less prone to these issues, you should stop eating the food, which may taste the best but lacks all good. Choose wisely and keep fit.
Once you start reducing consumption, you will see good changes in your body. So make a plan to ditch this food. Start opting for healthy food options. After starting up this new routine, do not forget to share the changes you are feeling. Share your experiences in the comment section below and spread motivation, among others.